How is Seagrass Beach Eco-Friendly?

Seagrass Beach is raising the bar on the Texas Coast and Bolivar Peninsula by incorporating many environmentally friendly and sustainable features that set it apart from the pack. Below are a couple of examples of the exhaustive efforts that have gone into making Seagrass Beach "special". 

Environmentally Friendly Design

Throughout the entire design and construction phases of developing Seagrass Beach, an enormous amount of thought and care has been given to make the development as environmentally friendly as possible. For example, instead of having 100+ home sites across the 33.5 acres of land, there will only be 35 home sites in the subdivision, which means there will be a high percentage of "green space".

How will the green space be watered? Instead of sucking down hundreds of thousands of gallons of potable water from the Bolivar Peninsula Special Utility District, the developers have carefully designed an irrigation system that will utilize the abundant amount of ground water from the three freshwater ponds to irrigate the palm trees, communal lawns, oleanders, native grasses and other landscaping that is being installed. 

What type of grass will be used? Zoysia, simply because it's the best! Why is it the best? Zoysia grass requires less water and fertilize, it stops erosion, it's less vulnerable to insect and fungus damage, it's salt tolerant, it's drought resistant, you don't have to mow it very often, and it feels great on your feet!

Dunes, dunes, dunes

A new, 1,400 foot long, 8-10 foot tall dune has been built across the beach side of the property. Where did all that sand come from? It came from the two new ponds that were dug on site, which are 12-15 feet deep. A few things that were learned while digging the new ponds are: 1) The ground water is just 3-4 feet below the surface, and it's super clean and fresh! 2) As far as you dig, it's nothing but beach quality sand and shells. Those shells down 12-15 feet must be tens of thousands of years old! 3) You keep water pumps running non-stop, even overnight, or the water will fill up the newly dug hole very quickly. Always have an extra pump on standby, and make sure you keep the pumps full of fuel! 

What is the most important thing when building a new sand dune? You must plant it with the proper species of native vegetation that will thrive in sand dunes along the Texas Coast. If the proper dune plants are installed, they will stabilize the dunes by holding the sand in place with their roots and rhizomes, which are the first line of defense against a tropical storm. 

To ensure that the sand dunes at Seagrass Beach were the best they could be, the developers hired Frederique Perret of Dune Doctors LLC to plant nearly 20,000 plants in the dunes. The following dune plant species were installed: sea oats, panic grass, spartina patens, seashore elder, sea purslane and red and white morning glories.

For more information or to reserve a lot, contact Brad Ballard by email at or by calling (281) 639-0451. You can also visit and fill out a form to learn more about the development. Don't wait, reserve your lot today!